Welcome to cad_tickers’s documentation!

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cad_tickers.exchanges Exchanges
cad_tickers.util Utilities
cad_tickers.news Stock News

Canadian Securities Exchange

Functions to download tickers from the cse

cad_tickers.exchanges.cse.add_descriptions_to_df(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, max_workers: int = 16) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Dataframe with with randomly selected values. Data columns are as follows:

Company Full name of the company
Symbol Listing symbol from the cse exchange needs a mapper to yahoo finance
Industry Enum of industry including Mining
Identifier Broad category (US Cannabis)
Indices Enum such as CSE Composite
Currency Usually CAD
Trading Date when trading started
urls url to listing on cse website
maximum number of thread workers to have

Dataframe descriptions in every column if valid

Company Full name of the company
Symbol Listing symbol from the cse exchange needs a mapper to yahoo finance
Industry Enum of industry including Mining
Identifier Broad category (US Cannabis)
Indices Enum such as CSE Composite
Currency Usually CAD
Trading Date when trading started
urls url to listing on cse website
description cse description scrapped from website
cad_tickers.exchanges.cse.clean_cse_data(raw_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Removes bad data from cse dataframe.


Dataframe with mostly unnamed columns from pandas df import

CSE Listings Label for Company data
Unnamed: 1 Listing symbol from the cse exchange needs a mapper to yahoo finance
Unnamed: 2 Enum of industry including Mining
Unnamed: 3 Enum such as CSE Composite
Unnamed: 4 Enum such as CSE Composite
Unnamed: 5 Usually CAD
Unnamed: 6 empty (pandas import error, dropped)
Unnamed: 7 Date when trading started

Dataframe with bad data removed

Company Full name of the company
Symbol Listing symbol from the cse exchange needs a mapper to yahoo finance
Industry Enum of industry including Mining
Identifier Broad category (US Cannabis)
Indices Enum such as CSE Composite
Currency Usually CAD
Trading Date when trading started
urls url to listing on cse website
cad_tickers.exchanges.cse.get_cse_files(filename: str = 'cse.xlsx', filetype: str = 'xlsx') → str

Gets excel spreadsheet from api.tsx using requests

filename: Name of the file to be saved filetype: Save as pdf or xlsx
filePath returns path to file

See ://stackoverflow.com/questions/13567507/passing-csrftoken-with-python-requests

cad_tickers.exchanges.cse.get_cse_tickers_df() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Grab cse dataframe from exported xlsx sheet


Dataframe with with randomly selected values. Data columns are as follows:

Company Full name of the company
Symbol Listing symbol from the cse exchange needs a mapper to yahoo finance
Industry Enum of industry including Mining
Identifier Broad category (US Cannabis)
Indices Enum such as CSE Composite
Currency Usually CAD
Trading Date when trading started
urls url to listing on cse website
cad_tickers.exchanges.cse.get_description_for_url(url: str) → str
url - link to ticker can be empty string
description - details of what the ticker does, can be empty string

Toronto Stock Exchange

Set of functions to scrap ticker data from the toronto stock exchange.

Will definitely split into smaller files once the graphql api becomes the main api.

cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.add_descriptions_to_df(df) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Description: single process solution to fetching descriptions

df: dataframe containing tickers
df: updated dataframe with a descriptions if available
cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.add_descriptions_to_df_pp(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, max_workers: int = 16) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Description: fetch descriptions for tickers in parallel noticable speedup uses thread pool which should be faster

df: dataframe containing tickers
df: updated dataframe with a descriptions if available
cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.add_descriptions_to_df_pp_legacy(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Description: fetch descriptions for tickers in parallel noticable speedup, keeping this to verify speed increase

df: dataframe containing tickers
df: updated dataframe with a descriptions if available
cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.company_description_by_ticker(ticker) → str

Description: Grabs searchable ticker from quotemedia using tmx ticker

ticker: string
df: updated dataframe with a descriptions if available
cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.dl_tsx_xlsx(filename: str = '', **kwargs) → str

Description: Gets excel spreadsheet from the tsx api using programatically


Replicates api calls in TSX discover tool with all parameters. See migreport search Note that not all parameters are documented and/or limited validation

filename: Name of the file to be saved
  • exchanges (string): TSX, TSXV
  • marketcap (string): values from 0 to specified value
  • sectors (string): cpc, clean-technology, closed-end-funds, technology

data - returns path to file or pandas dataframe


Ex. Exchange ticker in TSXV, TSX
Name Full name of ticker
Ticker Symbol usually 4 characters or less
QMV($) Quoted Market Value, I assume this is based on the “currency”.
HQ Region Headquarters region usually a country (need to double check)
HQ Location Usually a province or state
Sector Main sector, technology
Sub Sector Sub Sector

See passing csrftoken

cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.get_description_for_ticker(ticker: str) → str

set of functionality

cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.get_mig_report(filename: str = '', exchange: str = 'TSX', return_df: bool = False) → str
Gets excel spreadsheet from tsx api programatically. See for more flexibility dl_tsx_xlsx
filename: Name of the file to be saved exchanges: TSX, TSXV return_df: Return a pandas dataframe
filePath: returns path to file or dataframe

See ://stackoverflow.com/questions/13567507/passing-csrftoken-with-python-requests

cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.grab_symbol_for_ticker(ticker: str) → str
Grabs the first symbol from ticker data all symbols should lead to valid webpages for data scrapping.
ticker: string representing the stock ticker
symbol: string - searchable string in the quotemedia api or empty string
cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx.lookup_symbol_by_ticker(ticker: str) → list

Description: Returns search array dictionary for tickers


sometimes the name of the ticker in the xlsx sheet is off slightly and we need to find the “real ticker”. Uses standard api (not graphql) to grab tickers

Example searchpoint is https://app.quotemedia.com/lookup?callback=tmxtickers&q=zmd&limit=5&webmasterId=101020

See Tmx Graphql and the new tmx site

ticker: tmx ticker
quote_data: list of ticker metadata

Stock News

Extract news from stocks on yahoo

Finds news link from news_content.
Assumes comments are deleted from the yahoo finance news items
news_content - html based data for the news article
link_href - link in html markup link_text - link text in html markup
cad_tickers.news.stock_news.find_news_source(news_content: bs4.element.Tag) → Union[None, str]

Utility function to verify news format from yahoo has not changed

when grabbing data from yahoo with requests, it seems date is not returned.

news_content: html based data for the news article
source - publisher of article

wrapper div around content - such as - CNW Group 2 days ago

cad_tickers.news.stock_news.get_ynews_for_ticker(ticker: str, yahoo_base_url='https://finance.yahoo.com') → List[bs4.element.Tag]

Returns initial news items fetched from yahoo when loading quote page. Since yahoo has lazy loading, not all items are returned. Seems like ads are not loaded because of lazy loading.

ticker - yahoo formatted ticker str yahoo_base_url - optional parameter that is the base of the request
news_items - list of key html content for the news item
cad_tickers.news.stock_news.scrap_news_for_ticker(ticker: str) → List[dict]

Extracts webpage data from a ticker

ticker - yahoo finance ticker
news_data - list of dicts extracted from webpage
  • source - str
  • link_href - link from post (can be relative or absolute)
  • link_text - description for link


Find out what latest stocks have been halted from iiroc (only canada)

cad_tickers.news.iiroc_halts.get_halts_resumption() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Gets the latest 25 halts from the iiroc


Dataframe with bad data removed

Halts Details of halts
Listing Extracted ticker from halt

Stock Utilities

Contains various utility classes

cad_tickers.util.utils.convert(file_path: str) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
file_path: path to excel sheet
cad_tickers.util.utils.make_cse_path(raw_ticker: str, raw_industry: str) → str

makes slug for ticker for the cse

raw_ticker: cse ticker from xlsx sheet raw_industry: verbatim industry from ticker, not slugified
description: url for cse files for download
cad_tickers.util.utils.parse_description_tags(description_tags: List[bs4.element.Tag]) → str
description_tags: html tags from webpage, usually p tag containing description
description: description for ticker
cad_tickers.util.utils.transform_name_to_slug(raw_ticker: str)
raw_ticker: cse ticker to be converted to slug


Grab Descriptions for all tsx tickers

from cad_tickers.exchanges.tsx import dl_tsx_xlsx, add_descriptions_to_df_pp
from datetime import datetime
start_time = datetime.now()
df = dl_tsx_xlsx()
# df = add_descriptions_to_df(df)
df = add_descriptions_to_df_pp(df)
end_time = datetime.now()
print(end_time - start_time)

Indices and tables